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The Cape York NRM Regional Investment Strategy 2013-2018 contains the priorities for investment as identified through consultation with the people and communities of Cape York in 2011-2013. These priorities for investment are also delivering on the new community-developed NRM plan targets in the Cape York ‘Living’ NRM plan. The workshops sought community feedback on the success of NRM investment on Cape York in the past four years, and explored community views, needs and priorities for NRM investment in the next four years. The workshops also helped refine project development for Regional Land Partnership priorities.

Words and photo: provided by Corporate Nature

Corporate Nature, the NGO established by Cape York NRM, Terrain NRM and Northern Gulf RMG to deliver corporate support to the three regions, held its first board meeting on 2 January 2018.

Corporate Nature’s General Manager, Michelle Nusse said that the three regions have worked tirelessly to pull together this new entity so that each NRM regional group can focus on on-ground project delivery, whilst centralising back-room services.

Words and Photo: Lyndal Scobell

Welcome to series two of My Cape York Life. In this second podcast series we travel the diverse landscapes of the centre of Cape York, and the south-east coast.

You will be enthralled with the stories shared by graziers, conservationists, Traditional Owners, an artist, and a local government councillor.

Find us at, or listen on your favourite podcast app.

Words: Vicki Wundersitz | Photo: Robyn May

So you have a natural resource management project in mind and you have found an opportunity to apply for funding - how exciting!

Before you start, carefully read the guidelines which outline exactly what will (and won’t) be funded. The format of funding applications can vary - but there are some basic guiding principles that should be considered when developing your proposal. The following tips will help to pull together a concise and compelling application for funding your project.

Why do you want to do this project?

Words: Kerri Woodcock | Photo: Kerry Trapnell

In early March a delegation from Western Cape Turtle Threat Abatement Alliance (WCTTAA) travelled to Canberra to present the highlights of the Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program (NTOTPP), in a meeting to review the success of the program.

The WCTTAA delegation included Coordinator Kerri Woodcock, Pormpuraaw Senior Ranger Clinton Williams (Holroyd), and Cape York NRM Operations Manager Peta-Marie Standley.

Words: Barry Lyon and Trevor Meldrum | Photo: Trevor Meldrum

Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus), an introduced plant from Africa, is one of the biggest threats to the natural health of Cape York.

Growing to four metres in height, gamba grass carries four to five times the fuel load of native grasses and burns very fiercely – over 1000 degrees compared to round 350 degrees for spear grass. Gamba grass fires readily kill native vegetation, tall trees included, turning woodlands into grasslands and causing local extinctions of both plant and animal species.

Words: Will Higham  Photo: Cape York NRM

Cape York NRM is continuing to monitor the water quality benefits of gully remediation at Crocodile Station.

In late 2016 two High Lift KP event samplers (water quality monitoring equipment - see pictures) were installed at Crocodile Station; one situated downstream from gully remediation works, the other situated downstream of an untreated gully.

Words: Jason Carroll | Photo: provided by South Cape York Catchments

Set in the hills of beautiful Kuku Yalanji country at the Jabalbina Ranger base, almost thirty participants explored the rugged, unforgiving terrain of young minds. The one-day forum held in December 2017 was facilitated by David and Emily Kamoltz. Its purpose was to raise the capacity of how people engage children and adolescents in Landcare and Ranger programs.

Words and photo: Barry Lyon

Recent studies have shown how spring inflow into the Wenlock River provides vital nursery habitat for one of the world’s rarest sharks.

The speartooth shark Glyphis glyphis, was named from a single, stuffed museum specimen way back in 1839. The place of capture was not known, so this shark was a real scientific mystery. It remained so until eventually discovered in southern New Guinea in the 1960s, and in Australia in the Bizant River on eastern Cape York in 1982. It has not been seen there since.

Words and photo: Robyn May

Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc. (CYWAFA) is working with Cape York land managers to reduce the economic and environmental impacts of high priority weeds.

In early February this year, CYWAFA conducted an Agricultural Chemical Distribution Control (ACDC) course in the Cooktown region. These first eight participants now have the knowledge and skills to do battle with invasive weeds, and have learned the theory behind the use of weed control chemicals that is needed before they head out to the field and put their theory into practice.

Words: Emma Jackson | Photo: Lyndal Scobell

The Directors and staff of Cape York Natural Resource Management will say goodbye to the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer Bob Frazer this month.

After almost eight years in the role, Bob will put down his pen and take up his fishing rod as he commences a well-earned retirement.

Bob has spent 13 years working in Australia’s natural resource management leadership.

He spent five years with NQ Dry Tropics before becoming the first employee with a fledgling Cape York NRM in 2010.

Words and photo: Andrew Hartwig

Bonny Glen Station is a 146,000-hectare pastoral grazing lease on Cape York held by Traditional Owners, Gummi Junga Aboriginal Corporation.

The Regional Landcare Facilitator assisted Gummi Junga and Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc. with a successful Indigenous Land and Sea Grant project.

The wet season is approaching an end and this year it has been far superior than last year’s for many across our region. It has also been much hotter, so what that means for the dry season ahead we will have to wait and see.