Our region
The Cape York NRM region (137,000 km2) extends north from the Mitchell River catchment to ‘The Tip’ of Cape York Peninsula. It encompasses diverse landscapes including 16 complete river basins with their systems virtually unmodified (the Annan River being the exception). The region contains 30 broad vegetation groups including 72 different types of rainforest comprising 20% of Australia’s remaining rainforest.
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Latest News
Cape York NRM secures major funding to tackle sediment runoff and protect the Great Barrier Reef
Efforts to support fine sediment reduction and improve the quality of water flowing from Cape York to the Great Barrier Reef have received a funding boost from the Australian Government’s Reef Trust.
Cooktown workshop looks at water quality improvements
Engagement and consultation were the key objectives behind the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) review workshop held in Cooktown earlier this month, led by the joint Australian and Queensland Government WQIP review team.
New funding boost for biodiversity and key Cape York natural resource management projects
27 September 2024
Cape York Natural Resource Management (Cape York NRM) is set to spearhead several vital initiatives aiming to protect key species and ecosystems thanks to a new round of more than $215 million in Australian government funding.
The turtle season for ranger groups from Kowanyama, Napranum and Mapoon is well-underway with Cape York NRM WCTTAA Coordinator Manuela Fischer on hand and on the ground to assist where and when necessary.