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Cape York NRM's Regional Investment Strategy

York NRM conducted several community consultation workshops with NRM partners and stakeholders to review Cape York NRM’s Regional Investment Strategy 2013 – 2018, and to solicit input on a review and update of regional NRM Plan target priorities for the future in order to develop Cape York NRM’s Regional Investment Strategy 2018-2022.

The Cape York NRM Regional Investment Strategy 2013-2018 contains the priorities for investment as identified through consultation with the people and communities of Cape York in 2011-2013. These priorities for investment are also delivering on the new community-developed NRM plan targets in the Cape York ‘Living’ NRM plan. The workshops sought community feedback on the success of NRM investment on Cape York in the past four years, and explored community views, needs and priorities for NRM investment in the next four years. The workshops also helped refine project development for Regional Land Partnership priorities.

Consultation workshops enabled two-way exchange of information and were facilitated by Cape York NRM in late 2017.

The following community events were held:

Cooktown - 26 October

Bamaga - 16 November

Weipa - 21 November

Coen - 23 November

West Coast Turtle Threat Abatement Alliance meeting - 29 November

Grazing Industry Round table, Violet Vale Station - 9 December

A community survey was conducted to seek further input from the community. Hard copies were provided in person at workshops and an online survey via Cape York NRM’s website was open from 19 December 2017 to 31 January 2018.

A report is being prepared to provide information on the results from the consultation. The results will reference community NRM priorities for the Cape York region and provide guidance to Cape York NRM, particularly when developing NRM programs for funding through the Australian Government, Queensland Government, philanthropic and private investors. Regional investment will help Landcare, Indigenous and community groups to continue their valuable work of delivering biodiversity and sustainable agriculture outcomes that benefit our communities and the environment of Cape York.

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