What is an NRM Plan?
NRM plans provide a framework for the protection and sustainable use of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals.
The Cape York Plan will identify the region's natural resource assets, pressures and provide solutions for management. The plan will set targets to measure whether actions have been successful.
The Plan combines science, traditional knowledge and community feedback.
How can it help you?
The new Plan will provide the region with goals, actions and investments priorities into the future. It will strengthen Cape York’s identity, health and livability by protecting natural assets. We hope the Plan can be a valuable resource to
guide land managers and organisations in future natural resource management activities, identify opportunities and mitigate risks.
Why is Cape York NRM leading the development of this plan?
Australia is divided into 54 Natural Resource Management regions. Cape York NRM is the designated NRM organisation for the Cape York region. It also shares the responsibility with Gulf Savannah NRM for planning and delivery of projects
in the Mitchell River Joint Management Area.
One of the roles of a Regional NRM organisation is to work with the people of their region to develop and maintain a community-owned NRM Plan for the area.
How can you help
The people, organisations and communities of Cape York Peninsula worked with Cape York NRM to develop the current Plan which was launched in 2016.
The new Plan seeks to recognise, understand and include responses to any changes in the condition and use of the region's natural assets.
Your input is vital. The Plan will only be comprehensive and useful if it is supported by community knowledge, information and aspirations for the region's land, water, soil, plants and animals.