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Mungumby Community Plan
Current Community

This document was released in March of 2012 following a 2007 Federal Court ruling which recognised the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people's of 129,600ha of country between the South Mossman River and just North of Black Mountain near Cooktown.

Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council planning scheme
Current Community

The Wujal Wujal planning scheme was released in 2013 by the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council and set out the council's intention for the future of Wujal Wujal over the next 20 years from 2013.

Napranum Community Plan
Current Community

The Napranum Shire Council released a community plan in 2012 looking at future development for (then) the next 10 years.

Mapoon Aboriginal shire council community plan 2010-2020
Current Community

This community plan outlines how the community and council believe that the Mapoon area should develop between the 2010 and 2020 period and sets out how the issues affecting the Mapoon region at the time should've been addressed and a vision for the future Mapoon. 

Hopevale community plan 2012
Current Community

The intent of the community plan is that it will represent the community’s views, visions and values for the future of the local government area, and set a strategic vision for what the community wants the area to be like in 10, 20 or more years.

Mitchell River Watershed Management Group operation plan
Superceded Operational

The Mitchell River Watershed Management Group released this operational plan as a follow up from the business plan to take tasks identified therein and prioritise them, identify potential partners for projects, and setting measurable outcomes and appropriate times for completion of projects.

Normanby Catchments water quality management plan - draft

This is the final draft for the Normanby Catchment Water Quality Management Plan and was released for consultation and review on the 1st of September 2013.

Draft Cape York Peninsula Natural Resource Management Plan (2005)
Obsolete Government Policy

The aim of the Plan is to ensure that natural resources are well managed, and protected where required, for the benefit of us all and future generations. The Plan aims as far as possible to be consistent with other regional strategies.

Annan and Endeavour Strategic Plan
Current Strategic

The Annan-Endeavour Catchment Management Group has developed this Strategy in close association with all interested community, government and industry groups.

Cape York Peninsula Heritage Act 2007
Current Statutory (law)

An Act to provide for the identification of the significant natural and cultural values of Cape York Peninsula, and cooperative and ecologically sustainable management of Cape York Peninsula.

Coastal Management Plan
Current Government Policy

The Coastal Management Plan is prepared under the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995 (Coastal Act) to describe how the coastal zone of Queensland is to be managed.

Cape York Regional Plan
Current Government Policy

Published by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning. The plan identifies and interprets the state’s interests in land use planning and development, as described in the State Planning Policy, for the Cape York region.

Kaanju Homelands Wenlock & Pascoe Rivers Cape York Peninsula Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan
Obsolete Operational

Primarily, this Plan is for Kaanju people living on homelands, but it also serves as a guide for external land and resource management, conservation, service delivery, economic development and community development organisations and agencies, both government and non-government, engaged with Chuul

Laura Ranger Country Plan and Poster
Current Operational

Poster outlining a set of guiding priniciples on which Laura Rangers will operate on their country.

Laura-Normanby Catchment Management Strategy
Current Strategic

The Laura-Normanby Catchment Area covers a vast and relatively undeveloped area with extensive riverine and wetland systems, one of Queensland's largest conservation areas (Lakefield National Park), numerous sacred aboriginal sites, good cattle country and rich agricultural lands.

Mitchell River Watershed Strategic Plan
Current Strategic

The Mitchell River Watershed Strategic Plan 2013-2016 is an update of the Mitchell River Watershed Management Plan created in 2000.

Reef Water Quality Protection Plan 2013
Current Government Policy

Reef Plan is a joint commitment of the Australian and Queensland governments. The plan is a collaborative program of coordinated projects and partnerships designed to improve the quality of water in the Great Barrier Reef.

Upper Mitchell Catchment Rehabilitation Plan
Current Strategic

Technical Report on Rehabilitation Needs

Vegetation Management Act 1999
Current Statutory (law)

The purpose of this Act is to regulate the clearing of vegetation in a way that:

Eastern Kuku Yalanji Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan Stage 1
Current Operational

Caring for Kuku Nyungkal Country

Our vision for our bubu (land)1 is to

  • Maintain our Nyungkal culture, belief, customs and law/lore;

Hopevale Economic Strategy 2014-2017
Current Strategic

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council (HVASC) is focussing on a Community Economic Development (CED) model; where communities initiate their own solutions to local problems.

Hopevale Aboriginal Shire council planning scheme
Current Strategic

Hope Vale is a community for families that celebrates Aboriginal culture, striving to be sustainable, viable, fair and equitable, accommodating change, fostering growth, promoting success in a friendly and culturally sensitive environment and is an enjoyable place to live.

Cape York Peninsula Regional Biosecurity Strategy
Current Strategic

Cape York Natural Resource Management (Cape York NRM), Cook Shire Council (CSC), Weipa Town Authority, Wujal Wujal, Hopevale, Lockhart, Mapoon, Napranum, Aurukun, Pormpuraaw and Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Councils and the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) have collaboratively devel

Recently added
Recovery plan for the Northern Quoll Dasyurus hallucatus
Threatened species

This recovery plan was released in 2010 with the ultimate goal of haulting the decline of the Northern Quoll, which are threatened with extinction by cane toads as they have a susceptibility to the toxin.


National recovery plan for the Specatacled Flying Fox Pteropus conspicillatus
Threatened species

The Spectacled Flying Fox is consdiered a vulnerable species under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and so this plan was developed by the Queensland and Australian Government's in order to secure long term protection of the flying fox populations by r


Recovery plan for the stream-dwelling rainforest frogs of the wet tropics biogeographic region of north-east Queensland 2000–2004
Threatened species

This plan was released in 2001 by the Natural Heritage Trust and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service with the ultimate goal of improving the conservation status of particular species of stream dwelling rainforest frogs within the Wet Tropics.


Whale Shark recovery plan 2005-2010
Threatened species

The whale shark is the world's largest fish and one of only three filter feeding shark species, it was listed as vulnerable in 2001 under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC).


National recovery plan for the bare-rumped sheethtail bat Saccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus
Threatened species

This plan was released in 2007 with the goal of improving the conservation status of the then critically endangered bare-rumped sheethtail bat.


Recovery plan for threatened seabirds
Threatened species

This plan attempted to improve the conservation status of ten species of Sea Birds by protecting and effectively managing breeding and foraging habitats and ensuring that threats such as pest flora and fauna dont prevent population growth.


Plan for the recovery of the southern cassowary
Current Threatened species

The southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) occurs primarily in rainforest habitats but can also be found in woodlands, swamps, and disturbed vegetation forraging for fruits throughout the Wet Tropics.


National recovery plan for the buff-breasted button-quail Turnix olivii
Threatened species

The buff-breasted button quail was listed as endangered under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and vulnerable and Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992 prompting the development of this national recovery plan.


National recovery plan for the water mouse (false water rat) Xeromys myoides
Threatened species

The water mouse is listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity and Conservation Act 1999 prompting the development of this plan in 2010 in order to improve the conservation status of the species by habitat conservation, threat reduction, research and publ


National recovery plan for the wet tropics yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis unnamed subspecies
Threatened species

The Wet Tropics yellow bellied glider is a small marsupial classified as vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity  Conservation Act 1999 and Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992.
