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Kuuku I’yu Northern Kaanju Ngaachi Cultural Heritage Management Plan

pdf Planning Document

This document outlines the cultural heritage management plan for the Kuuku I’yu Northern Kaanju Ngaachi for the next six years from 2011 to 2017. This is an iterative document, meaning that it will be reviewed and updated as more of the KINKN is mapped and surveyed and cultural heritage knowledge is recorded over the coming years.


Mitchell River Watershed Management Group operation plan

pdf Planning Document

The Mitchell River Watershed Management Group released this operational plan as a follow up from the business plan to take tasks identified therein and prioritise them, identify potential partners for projects, and setting measurable outcomes and appropriate times for completion of projects.


Mitchell River Watershed Management Group business plan

pdf Planning Document

This document was a strategic plan released in late 2012 that intended to guide the Mitchell River Management Group on the priorities of the organisations stakeholders, defining a set of projects and activities for implementation, documenting the areas which funding might come from, and defining 


Mitchell River Watershed Strategic Plan

pdf Planning Document

The Mitchell River Watershed Strategic Plan 2013-2016 is an update of the Mitchell River Watershed Management Plan created in 2000. It should be used to guide the direction of the Mitchell River watershed management group in prioritising the work they do in the catchment, and should be reviewed in 2016.


Wetland Fauna and Water Quality Surveys, Violetvale Station

pdf Reference Document

This report documents the findings from a five day field trip to Violetvale Station in the Normanby drainage basin of eastern Cape York. In anticipation of large scale fencing-off of wetlands, the main focus of this study was to document aquatic biodiversity, primarily fishes; and to a lesser extent crustaceans, aquatic reptiles and waterbirds.


A painted turtle hatchling brings hope

pdf Case Study

With a total shell length of less than 3.2 cm this hatchling painted turtle from the Jardine River catchment is both of ecological interest and just dam cute.


Cape York Peninsula Feral Pig Management Plan 2006-2009

pdf Planning Document

The Cape York Peninsula (CYP) Pest Management Strategy provides a planning framework for coordinated pest management between research bodies, agencies, communities, industries, individuals and the government.


Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat

pdf Reference Document


Bradford M, Hobson N, Creek E, Jaffer T, Perry J and Westcott D (2018) Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat. Project report to the Australian Department of Environment and Energy. CSIRO, Australia.

