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Great Barrier Reef report card 2012 and 2013

pdf Annual Report

The Great Barrier Reef report card is part of the Reef Quality Water Protection Plan and measures the progress from 2009 to 2013 regarding the Reef Water Quality Protection plan 2009 targets.


Wetland Fauna and Water Quality Surveys, Violetvale Station

pdf Reference Document

This report documents the findings from a five day field trip to Violetvale Station in the Normanby drainage basin of eastern Cape York. In anticipation of large scale fencing-off of wetlands, the main focus of this study was to document aquatic biodiversity, primarily fishes; and to a lesser extent crustaceans, aquatic reptiles and waterbirds.


A painted turtle hatchling brings hope

pdf Case Study

With a total shell length of less than 3.2 cm this hatchling painted turtle from the Jardine River catchment is both of ecological interest and just dam cute.


Cape York Peninsula Heritage Act 2007

pdf Planning Document

An Act to provide for the identification of the significant natural and cultural values of Cape York Peninsula, and cooperative and ecologically sustainable management of Cape York Peninsula.


Planned Burn Guidelines - Cape York Peninsula Bioregion of Queensland

pdf Planning Document

This guideline was developed as part of the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and


Cape York Regional Plan

pdf Planning Document

Published by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning. The plan identifies and interprets the state’s interests in land use planning and development, as described in the State Planning Policy, for the Cape York region. The plan does this by evaluating and balancing competing state interests in a regional context.


How to be a thoughtful traveller—Complete Guide

pdf Guide

The Cape York Keep It Clean project is an initiative of Thoughtful Travelling Cape York. This project is supported by Cape York NRM and the Queensland Government’s Litter and Illegal Dumping Community and Industry Partnerships Program.


National recovery plan for the Chingia Australis

pdf Planning Document

The intention of this plan was to halt the decline of the fern C.


Normanby Catchments water quality management plan - draft

pdf Planning Document

This is the final draft for the Normanby Catchment Water Quality Management Plan and was released for consultation and review on the 1st of September 2013.
