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Cape York Natural Resource Management

Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd (Cape York NRM) is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation that works with individuals, groups and communities across Cape York, facilitating care of Country, through natural and cultural resource management activities.

The organisational mission is to help people to work together to care for the natural environment, and to promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

After extensive community engagement, Cape York NRM has established organisational guidelines in the development of partnerships in the communities of Cape York. Interaction with the residents of those communities takes place through various activities and projects based on principles of sustainable development, capacity building, support and development, and regional coordination and planning.  

Cape York NRM staff work with land and sea managers, Traditional Custodians, growers, graziers and Ranger groups on a wide variety of programs that enhance the varied ecological landscapes of Cape York.  

Through cooperation these partnerships ensure:

  • the future of wetlands, varied soil types and the Great Barrier Reef
  • support of efforts to maintain sustainable numbers of threatened species, including sea turtles, the rare Jardine River turtle, 

    Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM) Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity, with a mission to help people work to care for the natural environment while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in Cape York Peninsula.

    Cape York NRM is staffed by a dedicated team who work with individuals, groups and communities across Cape York to care for Country, through activities that promote and support the organisation's mission.

    The priorities that guide the work of the group have grown through extensive community engagement.  The organisation is involved with partnerships across Cape York, and through these relationships, implement activities based on principles of sustainable development, capacity building, project support and development, and regional coordination and planning.

    Currently our staff work with land and sea managers, traditional custodians, growers, graziers and ranger groups on a wide variety of programs that enhance Cape York's wetlands and soils, and offer protection to the Great Barrier Reef environment.  Cape York NRM supports work that addresses the issue of climate change, as well as threats to the environment, culture and communities, including threatened species like sea turtles, the rare Jardine River turtle, golden shouldered parrot, the southern cassowary, and invasive species, such as feral pigs and weeds.

  • address and identification of threats to environment, culture and community 
  • dealing with the effects of climate change 
  • attempts to control invasive species i.e.  feral pigs and weeds


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