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15 Sep 2020



Catchments to Coral - Great Barrier Reef Coastal Ecosystems and species protection on Cape York

Project summary

Catchments to Coral—Great Barrier Reef Coastal Ecosystems and species protection on Cape York is a program funded through the Australian Government’s Reef Trust that aims to improve the health and resilience of coastal habitats within the Great Barrier Reef catchments of eastern Cape York.

  • Background

    Extending from 2021 to 2023, this program will support Cape York land managers to deliver broad-ranging projects that protect catchment and coastal values including weed and feral animal management, fire management, the reduction of visitor impact, control of stock access or de-stocking unmanaged cattle, and can also include organisational capacity-building outcomes for land management groups.

  • Project activities

    The Catchments to Coral Program will provide support to Cape York land managers to deliver actions that maintain or restore the high natural values of the Great Barrier Reef catchments.

    ​Program objectives for the Cape York Great Barrier Reef catchments include:​

    1. Protect and improve the condition of significant wetlands and floodplains.
    2. Protect and improve the condition of significant coastal vegetation.
    3. Protect and improve the condition of nesting habitat for marine turtles.
    4. Build the capacity of land managers to deliver land management activities to achieve objectives 1 to 3 (above).

Project location


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