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Hopevale Economic Strategy 2014-2017

pdf Planning Document

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council (HVASC) is focussing on a Community Economic Development (CED) model; where communities initiate their own solutions to local problems.


Hopevale Aboriginal Shire council planning scheme

pdf Planning Document

Hope Vale is a community for families that celebrates Aboriginal culture, striving to be sustainable, viable, fair and equitable, accommodating change, fostering growth, promoting success in a friendly and culturally sensitive environment and is an enjoyable place to live.


Mungumby Community Plan

pdf Planning Document

This document was released in March of 2012 following a 2007 Federal Court ruling which recognised the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people's of 129,600ha of country between the South Mossman River and just North of Black Mountain near Cooktown.


East Coast Pond Apple Survey and Control

pdf Map

This project continues the Pond Apple control work in the Mt Amos and Cooktown area by Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc, in association with Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, South Cape York Catchments, Cook Shire Council and the Traditional owners.


Eastern Kuku Yalanji Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan Stage 1

pdf Planning Document

Caring for Kuku Nyungkal Country

Our vision for our bubu (land)1 is to

  • Maintain our Nyungkal culture, belief, customs and law/lore;

  • Sustain, conserve, and preserve our country, landscapes, waters, mountains and all our cultural sites;


Strategic Cropping in Cape York

pdf Planning Document

Strategic Cropping in Cape York – what is to be locked away in the draft Strategic Environmental Areas
