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Annan and Endeavour Strategic Plan

pdf Planning Document

The Annan-Endeavour Catchment Management Group has developed this Strategy in close association with all interested community, government and industry groups.


Laura Ranger Country Plan and Poster

pdf Planning Document

Poster outlining a set of guiding priniciples on which Laura Rangers will operate on their country. The country plan, through extensive consultation with Traditional owners and historical people, reflects the knowledge and concerns of the Indigenous groups identifying with the area surrounding Laura.


Laura-Normanby Catchment Management Strategy

pdf Planning Document

The Laura-Normanby Catchment Area covers a vast and relatively undeveloped area with extensive riverine and wetland systems, one of Queensland's largest conservation areas (Lakefield National Park), numerous sacred aboriginal sites, good cattle country and rich agricultural lands.


Laura Rangers weed and fire plan

pdf Planning Document

This poster outlines the objectives, location, strategy, planned outcomes, and implementation of the Laura Ranger's Weed Management Strategy.


Cape York Peninsula Heritage Act 2007

pdf Planning Document

An Act to provide for the identification of the significant natural and cultural values of Cape York Peninsula, and cooperative and ecologically sustainable management of Cape York Peninsula.


Planned Burn Guidelines - Cape York Peninsula Bioregion of Queensland

pdf Planning Document

This guideline was developed as part of the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and


Rubber Vine Control 2016 Lukin River

pdf Map

The continuation of the Rubber Vine Control works on Lukin River Containment line has shown a targeted approach which continues to reduce the threat of Rubber Vine extending past the containment line. The areas controlled cover a total area of approx 784 ha with 28 km of River.
