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Recovery plan for cave dwelling bats, Rhinolophus philippinesis, Hipposideros semoni, and Taphozous troughtoni 2001-2005

pdf Planning Document

In 2001 Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and the Australian Natural Heritage Trust released a recovery plan for three species of cave dwelling bat Rhinolophus philippinesis, Hipposideros semoni, and Taphozous troughtoni.


Blue, Fin and Sei Whale recovery plan 2005-2010

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released by the Department of Environment and Heritage and Natural Heritage Trust outlining the measures necessary to protect the endnagered Blue Whale and vulnerable Sei Whale and Fin Whale.


Cape York Peninsula Feral Pig Management Plan 2006-2009

pdf Planning Document

The Cape York Peninsula (CYP) Pest Management Strategy provides a planning framework for coordinated pest management between research bodies, agencies, communities, industries, individuals and the government.


EOI from GSP Recovery Team—Traditional Owners

pdf Reference Document

The Golden-shouldered Parrot Recovery Team is led by the Traditional Owners whose lands encompass the current range of the Golden-shouldered Parrot across both the northern and southern sub-populations. The Recovery Team is committed to the recovery program being an Aboriginal-led process that empowers Traditional Owners.


NRM Regions QLD Newsletter

pdf Newsletter

Every day Queensland’s 14 NRM bodies are busy working with communities and partners, including all levels of government, to deliver natural resource management outcomes across the State. They are focused on ensuring food security, clean water, healthy landscapes and resilient rural communities for our futu


Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat

pdf Reference Document


Bradford M, Hobson N, Creek E, Jaffer T, Perry J and Westcott D (2018) Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat. Project report to the Australian Department of Environment and Energy. CSIRO, Australia.

