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Climate Change Issues and Impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster Region

pdf Reference Document

This report was the first major product of a consortium project of scientists from James Cook Univeristy and CSIRO and was funded by steam 2 of the Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund.


Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat

pdf Reference Document


Bradford M, Hobson N, Creek E, Jaffer T, Perry J and Westcott D (2018) Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat. Project report to the Australian Department of Environment and Energy. CSIRO, Australia.



Rubber Vine Control 2016 Lukin River

pdf Map

The continuation of the Rubber Vine Control works on Lukin River Containment line has shown a targeted approach which continues to reduce the threat of Rubber Vine extending past the containment line. The areas controlled cover a total area of approx 784 ha with 28 km of River.


Coastal Management Plan

pdf Planning Document

The Coastal Management Plan is prepared under the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995 (Coastal Act) to describe how the coastal zone of Queensland is to be managed.
