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Catchments to Coral EOI application guideline

pdf Guide

The Catchments to Coral Program aims to improve the health and resilience of coastal habitats within the Great Barrier Reef catchments of eastern Cape York.


Catchments to Coral EOI application pack

pdf Guide

The Catchments to Coral Program aims to improve the health and resilience of coastal habitats within the Great Barrier Reef catchments of eastern Cape York.


Ant Plant Species Profile

pdf Fact Sheet

Myrmecodia beccarii was declared Vulnerable under Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act, 1992 because its population is decreasing due to key threats (primarily habitat loss due to clearing of coastal Melaleuca forests for development).


Cassowary Indentification Guide

pdf Guide

This colourful comprehensive guide will let give you the tools you need to easily identify the presence of cassowaries by way of photos of: 


Cassowary Species Profile

pdf Guide

Cassowaries in Cape York can be found:


2020–2021 Annual Report

pdf Annual Report

The 2020–2021 financial year was Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd.’s tenth full year of operation as a directly funded regional natural resource management body.


Dunbar Station: Case Study

pdf Case Study

About the program

The goal of this four-year program is to work with participating grazing land managers to develop and implement practical action plans that improve soil stability, native vegetation, and water quality in the Joint Management Area (JMA) of the Mitchell River catchment.


Water Quality Monitoring

pdf Fact Sheet

Fact sheet detailing water quality monitoring, why we monitor, what we monitor and where the information goes.


Paddock to Reef Program Top 6

pdf Fact Sheet

This document outlines six key questions landholders frequently asked the Paddock to Reef team at Cape York NRM forums.


Cape York NRM Official Logos PDF

ZIP Corporate Document

For the use of Cape York NRM official logos please refer to our logo guidelines.
