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Antbed - Issue Two - a newsletter about the Golden-shouldered Parrot

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Some information on the habitat and distribution of the Golden-shouldered Parrot.

Reports that the wet season is a time of food shortage; that breeding success is unlikely to be a problem; and that radio-tracking birds is futile. Describes related and linked projects.


Antbed - Issue Three - a newsletter about the Golden-shouldered Parrot

pdf Newsletter

Golden-shouldered Parrots behaviour in the wet season.


Antbed- Issue Four - a newsletter about the Golden-shouldered Parrot

pdf Newsletter

This issue describes the breeding biology of the Golden-shouldered Parrot and the formation of the Golden-shouldered Parrot recovery team.

Golden-shouldered Parrots nesting times.


Antbed - Issue Five - a newsletter about the Golden-shouldered Parrot

pdf Newsletter

Tracing the nestlings of the illusive Golden-shouldered Parrot.


Antbed - Issue Six - a newsletter about the Golden-shouldered Parrot

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Tracing the background to the scarcity of the Golden-shouldered Parrot.

Detailed account of studies into the ecology of the parrot and its ecosystem as well as threat to the parrots.


Antbed - Issue Seven - a newsletter on the Golden-shouldered Parrot

pdf Newsletter

Susan Sheperd from Artemis Station has run a study project focused on the Golden-shouldered Parrot since 1995.


Antbed - Issue Eight - a newsletter on the Golden-shouldered Parrot

pdf Newsletter

The Sheperd Family of Artemis Station establish the Artemis Antbed Parrot Nature Refuge.



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Cape York offers many great camping locations. There are campgrounds in national parks and Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land (CYPAL) parks, Council-controlled areas, Aboriginal Land Trusts and there are some privately-owned campsites.



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Careful rubbish disposal is crucial in Cape York Peninsula. Mosquitoes, fruit flies, and plant and animal diseases can enter the region from Papua New Guinea and Asia. Rubbish increases the risk of these affecting public health, agriculture and the local economy.


Toilet Tips

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When you’ve got to go, go thoughtfully. Increasing cases of gastroenteritis are being reported in high-use areas of Australia. It's often caused by exposure to human waste, and has unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea and vomiting. Avoid getting or spreading ‘gastro’ by observing these guidelines.
