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Recovery plan for marine turtles

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released in July 2003 by Environment Australia in consultation with the Marine Turtle Recovery tean. Unlike the other threatened species plans, a limited understanding of turtle populations at the time meant that this plan adopted a threat reduction based approach to turtle consevation.


Recovery plan for Mabi forest

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released in 2008 and produced by the Australian Government and Queensland Environmental Protection Agency with the intention of protecting and rehabilitating the Mabi rainforest and where possible expanding the rainforest into surrounding areas, reversing already existing damage to the rainforest.


National recovery plan for the red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus

pdf Planning Document

This report was released by several government bodies including the Commonwealth Government with the intention of maintaining populations of the Red Goshawk across Australia and ultimately increasing their population.


Recovery plan for cave dwelling bats, Rhinolophus philippinesis, Hipposideros semoni, and Taphozous troughtoni 2001-2005

pdf Planning Document

In 2001 Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and the Australian Natural Heritage Trust released a recovery plan for three species of cave dwelling bat Rhinolophus philippinesis, Hipposideros semoni, and Taphozous troughtoni.


National recovery plan for the Chingia Australis

pdf Planning Document

The intention of this plan was to halt the decline of the fern C.


Blue, Fin and Sei Whale recovery plan 2005-2010

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released by the Department of Environment and Heritage and Natural Heritage Trust outlining the measures necessary to protect the endnagered Blue Whale and vulnerable Sei Whale and Fin Whale.



pdf Guide

Cape York offers many great camping locations. There are campgrounds in national parks and Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land (CYPAL) parks, Council-controlled areas, Aboriginal Land Trusts and there are some privately-owned campsites.



pdf Guide

Careful rubbish disposal is crucial in Cape York Peninsula. Mosquitoes, fruit flies, and plant and animal diseases can enter the region from Papua New Guinea and Asia. Rubbish increases the risk of these affecting public health, agriculture and the local economy.


Toilet Tips

pdf Guide

When you’ve got to go, go thoughtfully. Increasing cases of gastroenteritis are being reported in high-use areas of Australia. It's often caused by exposure to human waste, and has unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea and vomiting. Avoid getting or spreading ‘gastro’ by observing these guidelines.



pdf Guide

Personal care products, including soaps, detergents and toothpaste, are harmful to fish and other aquatic life. Even biodegradable products can cause harm.
