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Proxy Voting Form - AGM 2023

pdf Corporate Document

Proxy Voting Form - AGM 2023


Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd Constitution

pdf Corporate Document

Adopted on 1 September, 2010
Rule 11.4 Amended on 10 October 2012
Mining added to Sector ‘Tourism, Small Business and Other Industries’ 29 October 2013Section 2. (d) added on 29 October 2013
Section 8.1.1 amended on 4 November 2014
Section 8.1.2 amended on 4 November 2014
Section 9.2(d) added on 4 November 2014


Director Nomination Information Package

pdf Corporate Document

Cape York NRM is the member-owned Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) body for the Cape York NRM Region.


Cape York NRM Membership Booklet

pdf Corporate Document

Cape York NRM member benefits:

  • Opportunities for project collaboration
  • Event and Workshop invitations
  • Receive the latest information about projects, support and funding opportunities
  • Help share the future of Cape York
  • Have voting rights to elect members of the Cape


Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property - Territory Natural Resource Management

pdf Fact Sheet

What is ICIP?

Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) means all parts of Indigenous knowledge and culture that you want protected and recognised including:


Queensland border restrictions - Business and Industry

pdf Fact Sheet

To slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Queensland Government is implementing restricted entry to Queensland from 12:01 am on Thursday, 26 March 2020.


North Queensland Indigenous Fire Management Network

pdf Fact Sheet

This project involves the establishment of a North Queensland Indigenous Fire Management Network, and the implementation of an Indigenous Fire Mentorship Program for its members.


Caring for Cassowary

pdf Fact Sheet

The program will identify solutions to reduce threats affecting the future of the southern cassowary on Cape York, operating across all land tenures, and will include:

  • the establishment of an Indigenous Fire Mentoring Program to support Indigenous people in cultural fire management
