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Cape York Peninsula is one of five Queensland regions developing a Reef Community Action Plan for the community to take part in meaningful local action to benefit the Reef and local environment. This Community Action Plan (CAP) was developed through a review of existing plans combined with the contributions of Traditional Owners, youth and community members at seven workshops from October 2020 to January 2021.

Across the workshops, 13 priority strategies were put forward, which fall into four themes:

A collection of resources and documents relating to the Eastern Cape Water Quality Improvement Plan. 

Cape York NRM delivered Sustainable grazing management and on-ground works: maintaining Cape York’s resource base for sustainable management and use – reducing pests and weeds, improving water quality
in 2013-2016. The project was funded by the Queensland Government’s Queensland Natural Resource Management Investment Program. 

The project had a broad impact over its three years of implementation, with signi cant outcomes in developing best practice frameworks, coordination, engagement, capacity building, on-ground works, planning and resource assessment. 

Words Abbey Ernst and Robyn May | Photo Kerry Trapnell 

Abbey Ernst started work as Cape York NRM’s Sustainable Industries Officer in December 2018. She will work on the Queensland Government’s Paddock to Reef project, and the Federal Government’s Healthy Farming Futures project.

Words Sandra Lloyd | Photo provided

Cape York Natural Resource Management (Cape York NRM) has a range of projects focusing on water quality monitoring, grazing and horticulture, weeds and feral animals and gully erosion control. These projects combine to deliver a comprehensive approach to improving the sustainability of the industries and communities on the Cape along with protecting the natural assets and improving quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef.

Over the past several months, community members in south-east Cape York have come together during five interactive workshops to develop the Cape York Reef Community Action Plan (CAP).

The workshops included community events held in Wujal Wujal, Cooktown and Hope Vale, as well as a school workshop at Endeavour Christian College and a school holiday session with young Reef enthusiasts, and were well attended by a range of community members including Traditional Owner Groups, land managers, scientists, local council members and ranger groups.

Gully remediation projects in the Laura basin will stop over 700 tonnes of sediment entering the northern Great Barrier Reef

Words Juliana Foxlee | Photo Andrew Brooks

Cape York NRM and Northern Gulf Resource Management Group are working with graziers in the Mitchell catchment to help them develop their knowledge of native vegetation management in a bid to reduce erosion. 

Cape York NRM Acting Principal Program Manager Michael Goddard is managing the project. 

‘This project aims to substantially reduce the amount of sediment flowing into the Normanby, and as a result, improve water quality in the Northern Great Barrier Reef,’

Words Sandra Lloyd | Photo Tropical North Queensland

Australia has 40 species of mangroves which cover around one fifth of our coastline, about 12,000 square kilometres. Cape York has all 40 of Australian species. Only Indonesia and Brazil have more species than Australia.

Words Sandra Lloyd

The Cape York landscape has ancient and fragile soils which require careful management to ensure the long-term health of the land and connecting waters of Cape York.

Lakeland horticulture producers recognise this and are improving farm management practices to help improve their soils, reduce runoff and improve the quality of water draining off their properties.

This is the final draft for the Normanby Catchment Water Quality Management Plan and was released for consultation and review on the 1st of September 2013.

This strategy identifies short term and long term actions that will enhance opportunities for future access to water resources for agriculture, tourism and other industries in a responsible way. The strategy will deliver a water resource plan for Cape York bringing certainty and security to existing water users and supporting future economic development opportunities and the social wellbeing of Cape York communities.

This draft plan was the product of a contract between Wik Projects and the Department of Natural Resources and Water, created on behalf of the Natural Heritage Trust. This report focuses predominately on the experiences and aspirations of Wik, Wik Way, and Kuugu people.

The intention of the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan 2009 was to ensure that the water quality of the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon was improved by addressing non-point source pollution caused by large-scale land use along the eastern coastline.