A Sicklepod spraying program continues on Lukin River Station, on the southern side of Pretender River; Holroyd Station, on the northern side of Pretender River; and in the centre of Yarraden Station.
This project, with the purpose of appropriately controlling the weed species and monitoring response and recovery to control methods, conitnues the initial control trial of Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) on Yarraden and Holroyd Stations.
In reporting, Fulcrum will be used to capture geographical data and locations of control and methodology will also include photos and information on the density, coverage, soils and topography.
The project contributes to State NRM Investment and is part of the Sustainable Agriculture (National Landcare Program) demonstration site.
Sicklepod control is important for improving grazing production and for reducing the weed threat to the natural values of the properties involved, which hold Nature Refuge status.
- Early herbicide control of the sicklepod infestations on four locations: central Yarraden, north Holroyd, south Holroyd and Lukin River
- Follow up observations (recorded on Fulcrum) post treatment of the four locations