Cape York east coast pond apple survey and control
Project summary
This project continues the pond apple control work in the Mt Amos and Cooktown area. In association with Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, South Cape York Catchments, Cook Shire Council and the Traditional Owners, this project builds upon work already undertaken and ensure we further encourage the return of biodiversity in our unique environment. Surveys will occur in areas to the north, south and west of these currently controlled areas to further reduce the pond apple seed spread.
Training will be provided to the Jabalbina Rangers in pond apple control methods during the first seven day run. The areas targeted for this training run will be, Amos Bay and areas to the north and south of it, Weary Bay and possibly Walker Bay. Existing photo points will be monitored at Mt Amos, Walker Bay and Cooktown Areas and control of any new pond apple.
Pond apple threatens coastal wetland landscapes throughout Cape York because of its ability to colonise and transform intact natural ecosystems, forming monocultural thickets effectively displacing native ecosystems. Larger pond apple infestations existing further south on the Wet Tropics coast indicate the potential for pond apple to spread and cover large areas if small infestations are not controlled.