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Gathering a timely event for fire practitioners

Cape York NRM staff who attended the Biri Bulmba Budang National Custodians of Country gathering were full of congratulations for what they described as a seamless and timely event. 

Held at Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park in Cairns, and coordinated by Firesticks, Djabugay Aboriginal Corporation and Landcare Australia, the five day sold-out event drew First Nations custodians from across Australia, plus partners and stakeholders. 

“The event was a wonderful experience,” Cape York NRM Fire Coordinator Andrew Drenen said. “I greatly enjoyed the presentations, workshops, field-trips and yarning circles into cultural land management and fire practices. 

“It was a great opportunity for fire practitioners and land managers from across Australia to meet and gain a deeper knowledge of Indigenous cultural fire wisdom and practices. And very timely - with increasingly widespread bushfires throughout Australia, a key message is that Indigenous fire management practices, and the right to implement indigenous fire management, are crucial to improving the health of Australian forests and ecosystems.”

Masterclasses were also held in Indigenous ethno-botany, tool making, reading Country and monitoring. 

“In particular, I enjoyed the field trip to learn more about Blue Carbon and to see the amazing cultural burning activities undertaken by the Duwal Wuru rangers at Dungarra (Redden Island).”

Cape York NRM was a proud sponsor of the event, providing funding to enable Indigenous land managers to attend from Cape York Peninsula.