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Finding the ‘balance’ at Soils Workshop

Cape York NRM will be hosting another soils workshop in September focusing on soil nutrients and crop production in relation to irrigation or fertigation systems. 

To be held at the Cooktown CWA Hall on September 20, the workshop features Agronomist Dr David Hall who has been working with Cape York NRM as a consultant on a number of Endeavour Valley properties selected as demonstration sites for soils testing, moisture and nutrient level management and crop growth monitoring. 

“These workshops aim to bring the information gained from these sites to local farmers to teach them about soil testing, managing soil health and how this can improve efficiency and production,” Cape York NRM Sustainable Industries Officer, Kathrina Southwell said. 

Initiated in 2022, the Smart Farms Small Grants Project was developed in consultation with the  Endeavour Productivity Network, which supports farmers in the Endeavour catchment.

“The Project has progressed really well, with site information being provided for a baseline national data system, as well as being the basis for sharing experiences and knowledge at our increasingly popular workshops.”

Dr Hall said this latest meeting will focus on the “balancing act” between what a plant can produce by itself in the way of photosynthesis above ground, and what it can absorb via the root system below ground.

“As farmers we can have a very real impact on the soil moisture levels, the plant’s root growth and its ability to absorb nutrients from the surrounding soil,” he said. 

“Providing adequate soil moisture and nutrient levels during the crops’ different growth periods will ensure optimum conditions to overcome plant stress, sustain the diverse soil biology, minimise soil borne diseases and maintain plant health and growth.”

The workshop will address, in practical ways, how to meet plant nutrient requirements during growth stages. 

Dr Hall will also examine:

  • the various forms of nutrition, what is available and what commercial products are out there;  
  • fertigation systems (whereby nutrients can be pumped through irrigation) and the different designs and benefits; and
  • irrigation setups, what they cost, what the advantages are and what components are needed. 

Printed reference material will be provided at the workshop to take home.

The Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities Project, is being coordinated by Cape York NRM through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.