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Cape York NRM
Weipa was the go-to for Cape York NRM last week, when a strong contingency took part in the Western Cape Futures Symposium, as well as making the town the focus for our Board Meeting.
Board Chair Sally Gray presented at the Forum providing insights into land management in Cape York using fire and feral animal control and how important it is for the whole community to work together to protect and improve country for everyone who values this region.
“Without concerted efforts in conservation and sustainable land management we risk the very asset that tourism relies on in Cape York - the future of this diverse and unique Peninsula that we are privileged to call home,” she said.
The two-day event on March 23-24 was organised by the Weipa Chamber of Commerce with support from industry leaders, innovators, government, traditional owners, local business, and community. Its aim was to examine the opportunities, potential and barriers to development in the region.
Cape York NRM staff Michael Goddard and Marnie Basham also provided visitor packs at our information stall at the symposium and discussed the work we carry out in the region.
Cape York NRM’s Board of Directors - Vice Chair Dr Hurriyet Babacan, Pauline Smith, Marilyn Morris, Jim Turnour and Pip Schroor - also took the opportunity to hold their quarterly board meeting at Weipa to discuss the future directions of the organisation.
“The Directors of Cape York NRM have made a commitment to connect with the remote centres of our region, scheduling meetings around local events and creating opportunities to communicate directly with the community,” Sally said. “We look forward to our scheduled future meetings in Bamaga and Cooktown.”
© Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd