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Cape York NRM
Help shape the future of Cape York Peninsula’s incredible wildlife, landscape and waterways by becoming a Director of Cape York Natural Resource Management.
This year we are holding elections for five positions. Opening on the 1st of September, eligible members of Cape York NRM can apply to become a Director to help steer the organisation, which has been growing for the past 12 years.
Cape York NRM Interim CEO Bob Frazer said directors will be chosen for their skills and experience.
“Directors will represent a broad range of people, reflecting the Cape York community,” he said. “Suitable candidates will be highly knowledgeable in natural resource management areas and have a willingness to contribute and make a positive difference to the region.”
Cape York NRM Directors are appointed for a three-year term and lead the organisation in governance, policy setting and strategic focus, and work with a diverse membership base.
In preparation for the Director elections, Cape York NRM has conducted a membership drive which has already attracted almost 50 new applications.
“It is great to see this increased understanding of the value of becoming a member of our organisation,” Bob said. “Not only is it free to join but it gives the community their voice in the management of protected areas, the rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and promotion of sustainable use of natural resources on Cape York.”
Applications for Directors will be available from the 1st of September 2022 and close on the 19th of September 2022. They can be downloaded at capeyorknrm.com.au
For more information contact Marnie Basham at admin@capeyorknrm.com.au.
© Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd