And Action! Community Projects Underway
Water, seagrass and turtle monitoring, beach protection and cultural heritage management are among the exciting new community projects being rolled out on Cape York to safeguard the marine environment and Great Barrier Reef.
The projects were identified by the South-east Cape York Reef Community Action Plan (CAP), created following workshops held by Cape York Natural Resource Management 12 months ago.
They are now approved, funded and underway. The projects include beach protection at Balabay (Weary Bay); water quality, seagrass, and turtle monitoring in Hope Vale; and the development of a country and cultural heritage management system for Binthi country.
Over the next two years, Cape York NRM, as a CAP Leader, will provide implementation support; collaborate with other regional CAP leaders; review and update the CAP to identify new priorities and projects; work to secure additional project funding; engage with young people; and host community events.
Keep an eye on Cape York NRM’s Facebook Page for upcoming wet season events, and why not come along and get involved!
For more information contact: 0438 082 939
The Cape York Reef Community Action Plan project is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.