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Cape York NRM, on behalf of far northern landholders, pastoralists, conservationists and carbon project managers, is calling on the Australian and Queensland governments to continue funding the North Australia Fire Information (NAFI) website, a critically important, real time fire coordination tool used by land managers across northern Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Funding for the site runs out in June.
In an open letter, sent to federal and state politicians this month, Cape York NRM Chair Emma Jackson said it was vitally important the site remained live.
'People from across far north Queensland came together for the Cape York Fire Forum in Cooktown last December. Participants, including Indigenous land managers, pastoralists, conservation managers, and carbon industry and agency staff, unanimously voted to request that the Queensland and Australian Governments provide funding to ensure that this vital service continues,’ Ms Jackson wrote.
‘The risk of uncontrolled wildfires is increasing, and sadly, the most recent fire season is demonstration of this.'
‘The NAFI website allows land managers to protect vegetation and infrastructure, and to plan and coordinate their activities with others to improve property and regional fire regimes.
‘We urge both the Queensland and Australian Governments to extend this support to the NAFI website, which is the critical tool through which all land managers in the North access fire data. Please do not let the NAFI website fail at a time when it is needed the most.’
© Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd