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By Kerri Woodcock, Coordinator WCTTAA
A documentary which showcases the work of Indigenous Rangers involved in the Western Cape Turtle Threat Abatement Alliance (WCTTAA) is now available to the public.
One in a Thousand was made to promote the work of WCTTAA Rangers - which involves the regional coordination of marine turtle work programs, training, data collection and analysis, and communication activities – to their communities and to the broader public.
The film’s title One in a Thousand refers to the estimated number of hatchlings that make it through to adulthood. The documentary was filmed on the Western Cape and has been 18 months in the making.
WCTTAA Chairperson, Robbie Morris, said that during September and October, the film was screened in the five western Cape communities whose Rangers star in the film.
“Nearly 350 people attended the screenings on the Cape. We held a public screening of the film in Cairns during late November, which was attended by our funders from the Nest To Ocean Turtle Protection Program, our project partners, and the Cairns community.
“The feedback from all of the screenings has been extremely positive,” Robbie said.
Also produced with the documentary are two short animations: The Lifecycle of marine turtles, and Threats to Western Cape Turtles, produced by students from the University of Technology Sydney.
The documentary and animations are now available on Cape York Natural Resource Management’s webpage at capeyorknrm.com.au/wcttaa
The film was made with funding by Australian and Queensland Governments through the Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program. WCTTAA is supported by Cape York NRM.
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