Water is an extremely important natural resource. Water is life. We need it to live, and so too does the environment.
However, on Cape York water is not always readily available. While some areas of Cape York have had consistent rain through the wet season, other places are still seeing lagoons half empty, with some creeks still not running.
There is a lot of uncertainty in how the dry season, and seasons to come will play out. It is incredibly important to take the very best care of our water, and to ensure our management practices are the best they can be.
In this Reef and Wetlands edition of Healthy Country Newsletter, we celebrate the work that our land managers, farmers, NGOs and Cape York NRM are doing to look after our water and improve Cape York’s water quality.
We can all play a part in caring for the Reef, protecting our wetlands, and looking after the land, so that our industries like cattle, horticulture, fishing, carbon sequestration and tourism are sustainable for the generations ahead.
We have so much happening this year – fire management coordination, water quality programs, climate change workshops, finalising our strategic plan, and Cape-wide meetings to inform our Regional Investment Strategy.
You can keep in touch via our website www.capeyorknrm.com.au or follow our updates on Facebook and Twitter @capeyorknrm.
If you live on Cape York and you are not a member, give us a call to join 1300 132 262.
Emma Jackson, Chairperson
Sector Director - Primary Industries