This plan provides a sustainable land management program for Maitland Downs, to control weeds and pest animals on the property, to ensure it’s economic and environmental viability continues into the future. Objectives of the plan are: 1) To prevent the introduction of any new weed species on the property or new infestations of existing species in clean areas; 2) All high priority weeds to be reduced in area and/or reduced in density of current infestations; 3) To utilize wash down facility on property to minimize weed seed spread; 4) To contain or reduce in area all medium priority weeds; and, 5) To reduce the number of feral animals within 5 years.
Maitland Downs Property Pest Management Plan
This data file or resource can be downloaded from: /sites/default/files/2019-04/cynrm037_pest-mgt_cywafap_maitlands-downs-pest-mgt-plan.pdf