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Cape York NRM Corporate Documents


A collection of Corporate Documents owned by Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd.

Data and Resources

Cape York Natural Resource Management Ltd Constitution
pdfCorporate Document

589.41 KB

Adopted on 1 September, 2010
Rule 11.4 Amended on 10 October 2012
Mining added to Sector ‘Tourism, Small Business and Other Industries’ 29 October 2013Section 2. (d) added on 29 October 2013
Section 8.1.1 amended on 4 November 2014
Section 8.1.2 amended on 4 November 2014
Section 9.2(d) added on 4 November 2014
Section 13.2 (a) amended on 4 November 2014
Section 13.2 (b) amended on 4 November 2014
Appendix 1 - Cape York Natural Resource Management Region Map updated with the Indigenous Sector Representation Map on November 2014


Cape York NRM Financial Report 2017
pdfAnnual Report

307.32 KB

Cape York Natural Resource Management Financial Report, for the year ended 30 June 2017


Annual Community Report 2016-2017
pdfAnnual Report

2.06 MB


Corporate Plan 2016 - 2020
pdfPlanning Document

1.9 MB


Annual Community Report 2014-2015
pdfAnnual Report

5.23 MB


Annual Community Report 2010-2011
pdfAnnual Report

7.95 MB



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