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Kuuku I’yu Northern Kaanju Ngaachi Cultural Heritage Management Plan

pdf Planning Document

This document outlines the cultural heritage management plan for the Kuuku I’yu Northern Kaanju Ngaachi for the next six years from 2011 to 2017. This is an iterative document, meaning that it will be reviewed and updated as more of the KINKN is mapped and surveyed and cultural heritage knowledge is recorded over the coming years.


Strategic Cropping in Cape York

pdf Planning Document

Strategic Cropping in Cape York – what is to be locked away in the draft Strategic Environmental Areas


Mungumby Community Plan

pdf Planning Document

This document was released in March of 2012 following a 2007 Federal Court ruling which recognised the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people's of 129,600ha of country between the South Mossman River and just North of Black Mountain near Cooktown.


Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat

pdf Reference Document


Bradford M, Hobson N, Creek E, Jaffer T, Perry J and Westcott D (2018) Cape York cassowaries: traditional owners recording populations and addressing threats to habitat. Project report to the Australian Department of Environment and Energy. CSIRO, Australia.

