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Eastern Cape York Water Quality Improvement Plan - Appendix 11: Adoption and economic implications of grazing management practice changes

pdf Planning Document

This appendix provides a practical and economic assessment of various natural resource management methods developed to improve grazing practices on the Cape.


Eastern Cape York Water Quality Improvement Plan - Appendix 12: Environmental-economic values of marine and coastal natural assets

pdf Planning Document

The importance of the natural environment can be expresssed in terms of its values: ecologoical, socio-cultural, and economic. Assigning monetary value to goods and services provided by ecosystems can be a great way ensure that the environment is carefully considered during regional planning processes.


National recovery plan for the Chingia Australis

pdf Planning Document

The intention of this plan was to halt the decline of the fern C.


Planned Burn Guidelines - Cape York Peninsula Bioregion of Queensland

pdf Planning Document

This guideline was developed as part of the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and


Aurukun waterways wetland and coastal draft management plan 2009 (draft)

pdf Planning Document

This draft plan was the product of a contract between Wik Projects and the Department of Natural Resources and Water, created on behalf of the Natural Heritage Trust. This report focuses predominately on the experiences and aspirations of Wik, Wik Way, and Kuugu people.


Recovery plan for threatened seabirds

pdf Planning Document

This plan attempted to improve the conservation status of ten species of Sea Birds by protecting and effectively managing breeding and foraging habitats and ensuring that threats such as pest flora and fauna dont prevent population growth.


Whale Shark recovery plan 2005-2010

pdf Planning Document

The whale shark is the world's largest fish and one of only three filter feeding shark species, it was listed as vulnerable in 2001 under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC).


National Multi-species Recovery Plan for the Carpentarian Antechinus Pseudantechinus mimulus, Butler’s Dunnart Sminthopsis butleri, and Northern Hopping-mouse Notomys aquilo 2004-2008

pdf Planning Document

This plan was published in 2004 by the Natural Heritage Trust with the intention of halting the decline of the populations of three threatened marsupials: the Carpentarian Antechinus, Butler’s Dunnart, and the Northern Hopping-mouse.


Recovery plan for cave dwelling bats, Rhinolophus philippinesis, Hipposideros semoni, and Taphozous troughtoni 2001-2005

pdf Planning Document

In 2001 Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and the Australian Natural Heritage Trust released a recovery plan for three species of cave dwelling bat Rhinolophus philippinesis, Hipposideros semoni, and Taphozous troughtoni.


Blue, Fin and Sei Whale recovery plan 2005-2010

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released by the Department of Environment and Heritage and Natural Heritage Trust outlining the measures necessary to protect the endnagered Blue Whale and vulnerable Sei Whale and Fin Whale.
