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Paddock to Reef Program Management Practice and Social Data Collection

pdf Reference Document

This document includes information about the Paddock to Reef program including:

  • Why is data collected
  • How it looks in practice
  • Water quality risk framewok
  • P2R data collection flow diagram
  • Data privacy


ABCD Framework for Grazing 2016

pdf Reference Document

The ABCD Management Practice Framework was designed over 10 years ago to highlight and facilitate communication about the different level


Cape York Natural Resource Management Regional Investment Strategy 2014-2018: integrated pest management

pdf Reference Document

This document shows foundational activities and inputs, immediate activites, immediate outcomes, long term outcomes, and aspirational program goals for the integrated pest management aspect of the Regional Investment Plan 2014-2018.


Cape York Natural Resource Management Regional Investment Strategy 2014-2018: Livelihoods

pdf Reference Document

This document shows foundational activities and inputs, immediate activites, immediate outcomes, long term outcomes, and aspirational program goals for the Livelihoods aspect of the Regional Investment Plan 2014-2018.


Cape York Natural Resource Management Regional Investment Strategy 2014-2018: Soils

pdf Reference Document

This document shows foundational activities and inputs, immediate activites, immediate outcomes, long term outcomes, and aspirational program goals for the soils aspect of the Regional Investment Plan 2014-2018.


Cape York Natural Resource Management Regional Investment Strategy 2014-2018: Water

pdf Reference Document

This document shows foundational activities and inputs, immediate activites, immediate outcomes, long term outcomes, and aspirational program goals for the water aspect of the Regional Investment Plan 2014-2018.


Cape York NRM RIS 2014-2018: Fire

pdf Reference Document

This document shows foundational activities and inputs, immediate activites, immediate outcomes, long term outcomes, and aspirational program goals for the fire aspect of the Regional Investment Plan 2014-2018.


Cape York NRM Regional Investment Strategy 2013-2018

pdf Reference Document

This Regional Investment Strategy contains the priorities for investment for the five years 2013-2018 as identified through consultation with the peoples and communities of Cape York.
