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Healthy Country 21: Seasons Greetings

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The sun sets on a highly productive year for Cape York NRM. This year the Company has funded, delivered, supported and managed works across the length and breadth of Cape York. Implementation of our Sustainable Agriculture program has been highly successful.


Healthy Country 24: Wetlands and Water Quality

pdf Newsletter

Water on Cape York is a highly valued natural resource. This newsletter highlights some of the ways that people on Cape York are taking care of it.


Healthy Country 23: Threatened Species

pdf Newsletter

Over the past 200 years Australia's biodiversity has declined fastest than any other country. Cape York has over 100 species that are listed as threatened, vulnerable or endangered on the Nature Conservation Act (1992).


Healthy Country 22: Our Fragile Soils

pdf Newsletter

The Cape York landscape is grounded with ancient and fragile soils, which require careful management to ensure long term health of the land and to maintain our water quality across Cape York for the generations to come.



pdf Guide

Cape York offers many great camping locations. There are campgrounds in national parks and Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land (CYPAL) parks, Council-controlled areas, Aboriginal Land Trusts and there are some privately-owned campsites.



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Careful rubbish disposal is crucial in Cape York Peninsula. Mosquitoes, fruit flies, and plant and animal diseases can enter the region from Papua New Guinea and Asia. Rubbish increases the risk of these affecting public health, agriculture and the local economy.


Toilet Tips

pdf Guide

When you’ve got to go, go thoughtfully. Increasing cases of gastroenteritis are being reported in high-use areas of Australia. It's often caused by exposure to human waste, and has unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea and vomiting. Avoid getting or spreading ‘gastro’ by observing these guidelines.



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Personal care products, including soaps, detergents and toothpaste, are harmful to fish and other aquatic life. Even biodegradable products can cause harm.



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Most of the Cape's roads are unsealed. Driving on them contributes to soil erosion which causes damage to the environment, farming land, waterways, infrastructure and cultural heritage.



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The coasts, rivers and waterways of Cape York Peninsula are great places to go boating. There are many things you can do to ensure your safety, and minimise your impact on the environment.
