World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day was first celebrated in 1997. Since then government agencies, non-government organisations and community groups have celebrated World Wetlands Day by undertaking actions to raise public awareness of wetland values and benefits and promote the conservation and wise use of wetlands. These activities include seminars, nature walks, festivals, announcement of new Ramsar sites, newspaper articles, radio interviews and wetland rehabilitation.
The Ramsar Convention Secretariat has developed a number of downloadable World Wetlands Day materials for 2018, including a poster, an infographic, a Power Point presentation, fact sheets and a t-shirt logo. These materials can be found on the Ramsar Convention Secretariat’s World Wetlands Day 2018 website - Groups and individuals are encouraged to adapt these materials for their own World Wetlands Day events and activities.
Coming soon
Soon you will be able to view photos, videos and interactive media relating to projects and events. Check back soon for more information.