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National recovery plan for the white bellied subspecies of the Crimson Finch Neochmia phaeton evangelinae, and the northern subspecies of the Star Finch Neochmia ruficauda clarescens

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released in 2007 with the ultimate goal of maintaining and increasing the size of wild populations of Crimson and Star finches on the Cape York Peninsula through conservation efforts such as invasive weed reduction in grassland habitats, the implementation of other land management strategies to protect habitat and benefit fauana th


Recovery plan for marine turtles

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released in July 2003 by Environment Australia in consultation with the Marine Turtle Recovery tean. Unlike the other threatened species plans, a limited understanding of turtle populations at the time meant that this plan adopted a threat reduction based approach to turtle consevation.


Recovery plan for Mabi forest

pdf Planning Document

This plan was released in 2008 and produced by the Australian Government and Queensland Environmental Protection Agency with the intention of protecting and rehabilitating the Mabi rainforest and where possible expanding the rainforest into surrounding areas, reversing already existing damage to the rainforest.


National recovery plan for the red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus

pdf Planning Document

This report was released by several government bodies including the Commonwealth Government with the intention of maintaining populations of the Red Goshawk across Australia and ultimately increasing their population.


Laura Ranger Country Plan and Poster

pdf Planning Document

Poster outlining a set of guiding priniciples on which Laura Rangers will operate on their country. The country plan, through extensive consultation with Traditional owners and historical people, reflects the knowledge and concerns of the Indigenous groups identifying with the area surrounding Laura.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Natural Resources Analysis Program: Regolith-Terrain Mapping of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

Regolith within the CYPLUS area in North Queensland consists both of 'in situ' weathered beardock and transported minerals.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Land Use Program: Minerals Assessment of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

This report focuses on areas within the CYPLUS region regarded as having moderate to high mineral potentional and is provided as a non technical document to assist land use planers and those lacking a background in earth sciences.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Land Use Program: Other Primary Industries (Non-Pastoral, Non-Forestry) of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

Prior to the execution of this project regional stakeholders and industry representatives expressed differing opinions concerining the development potential of other agricultural industries within the CYPLUS area.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Land Use Program: Pastoral Industry of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

Despite ongoing harsdhip and difficult working conditions there was a strong desire by cattlemen and their families to persevere wth the beef industry as independent produers free of government support and unnecessary regulations.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Land Use Program: Land Degradation in Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

This project evaluated land degradationin terms of soil erosion and soil salinity. Soil erosion was examined by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation with assistance from the Bureau of Resource Science.
