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Eastern Cape York Water Quality Improvement Plan - Appendix 12: Environmental-economic values of marine and coastal natural assets

pdf Planning Document

The importance of the natural environment can be expresssed in terms of its values: ecologoical, socio-cultural, and economic. Assigning monetary value to goods and services provided by ecosystems can be a great way ensure that the environment is carefully considered during regional planning processes.


Annan and Endeavour Strategic Plan

pdf Planning Document

The Annan-Endeavour Catchment Management Group has developed this Strategy in close association with all interested community, government and industry groups.


Laura Ranger Country Plan and Poster

pdf Planning Document

Poster outlining a set of guiding priniciples on which Laura Rangers will operate on their country. The country plan, through extensive consultation with Traditional owners and historical people, reflects the knowledge and concerns of the Indigenous groups identifying with the area surrounding Laura.


Laura-Normanby Catchment Management Strategy

pdf Planning Document

The Laura-Normanby Catchment Area covers a vast and relatively undeveloped area with extensive riverine and wetland systems, one of Queensland's largest conservation areas (Lakefield National Park), numerous sacred aboriginal sites, good cattle country and rich agricultural lands.


Hopevale community plan 2012

pdf Planning Document

The intent of the community plan is that it will represent the community’s views, visions and values for the future of the local government area, and set a strategic vision for what the community wants the area to be like in 10, 20 or more years.


Hopevale Economic Strategy 2014-2017

pdf Planning Document

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council (HVASC) is focussing on a Community Economic Development (CED) model; where communities initiate their own solutions to local problems.


Hopevale Aboriginal Shire council planning scheme

pdf Planning Document

Hope Vale is a community for families that celebrates Aboriginal culture, striving to be sustainable, viable, fair and equitable, accommodating change, fostering growth, promoting success in a friendly and culturally sensitive environment and is an enjoyable place to live.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Natural Resources Analysis Program: Regolith-Terrain Mapping of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

Regolith within the CYPLUS area in North Queensland consists both of 'in situ' weathered beardock and transported minerals.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Land Use Program: Minerals Assessment of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

This report focuses on areas within the CYPLUS region regarded as having moderate to high mineral potentional and is provided as a non technical document to assist land use planers and those lacking a background in earth sciences.


Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy: Land Use Program: Other Primary Industries (Non-Pastoral, Non-Forestry) of Cape York Peninsula

pdf Reference Document

Prior to the execution of this project regional stakeholders and industry representatives expressed differing opinions concerining the development potential of other agricultural industries within the CYPLUS area.
