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Normanby Catchments water quality management plan - draft

pdf Planning Document

This is the final draft for the Normanby Catchment Water Quality Management Plan and was released for consultation and review on the 1st of September 2013.


Napranum Community Plan

pdf Planning Document

The Napranum Shire Council released a community plan in 2012 looking at future development for (then) the next 10 years.


Gully remediation at Normanby Station

pdf Case Study

On the plains of Cape York’s Normanby catchment, gully erosion is a chronic problem. Due to the highly dispersive nature of soils here, what begins as a cattle pad or a washed-out section of road can very quickly become a deeply incised gully, washing away valuable topsoil into waterways.


Invitation to submit Newsletter stories

pdf Reference Document

We want the Cape York Healthy Country Newsletter to include you—the Cape York community.

There are some very talented story tellers, artists, photographers, plus wonderful land manager projects, across the Cape community—and we have hundreds of readers who’d love to read, or see, your work.


North Queensland Indigenous Fire Management Network

pdf Fact Sheet

This project involves the establishment of a North Queensland Indigenous Fire Management Network, and the implementation of an Indigenous Fire Mentorship Program for its members.


Caring for Cassowary

pdf Fact Sheet

The program will identify solutions to reduce threats affecting the future of the southern cassowary on Cape York, operating across all land tenures, and will include:

  • the establishment of an Indigenous Fire Mentoring Program to support Indigenous people in cultural fire management


Caring for littoral rainforest and coastal vine thicket, ant plant and cassowary country in Cape York

pdf Fact Sheet


This program will help us find out more about the distribution and habitat of Cape York’s cassowaries, ant plants and littoral rainforests and coastal vine thicket country. The majority of mapped priority areas for all three species are on Aboriginal lands and we will work with Traditional Owners and other experts


Lockhart cassowary fire fact sheet

pdf Fact Sheet

The rainforest around Lockhart is special. People come from all over the world to see our glow in the dark snakes and Kutini. In all Australia there is nowhere else like it.


Improving native vegetation and soil condition of grazing lands within the Joint Management Area

pdf Fact Sheet

About the program

The goal of this four-year program is to work with participating grazing land managers to develop and implement practical action plans that improve soil stability, native vegetation, and water quality in the Joint Management Area (JMA) of the Mitchell River catchment.


Paddock to Reef - Normanby Catchment

pdf Fact Sheet

The Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program is a collaboration involving Australian and Queensland Governments, industry, regional natural resource management bodies and research organisations.
