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Cultural Considerations

pdf Guide

Cape York Peninsula is a region of ancient and continuing cultural landscapes, with countless significant places. Well over 50% of the region is privately owned and managed by Traditional Owners.


Other Information

pdf Guide


Bureau of Metrology (BOM)

BOM Townsville Field Office
Phone: (07) 4779 5999 (during office hours)



How to be a thoughtful traveller—Complete Guide

pdf Guide

The Cape York Keep It Clean project is an initiative of Thoughtful Travelling Cape York. This project is supported by Cape York NRM and the Queensland Government’s Litter and Illegal Dumping Community and Industry Partnerships Program.


Caring for Cassowary

pdf Fact Sheet

The program will identify solutions to reduce threats affecting the future of the southern cassowary on Cape York, operating across all land tenures, and will include:

  • the establishment of an Indigenous Fire Mentoring Program to support Indigenous people in cultural fire management


Ant Plant Identification Guide

pdf Guide

In the Family of Australian ant-plants there are two Genera of Rubiaceous ant-plants; Myrmecodia (domatia with spines and thick stems) and Hydnophytum (domatia without spines and thin stems).


Ant Plant Species Profile

pdf Fact Sheet

Myrmecodia beccarii was declared Vulnerable under Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act, 1992 because its population is decreasing due to key threats (primarily habitat loss due to clearing of coastal Melaleuca forests for development).


Cassowary Indentification Guide

pdf Guide

This colourful comprehensive guide will let give you the tools you need to easily identify the presence of cassowaries by way of photos of: 


Cassowary Species Profile

pdf Guide

Cassowaries in Cape York can be found:
