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East Coast Pond Apple Survey and Control

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This project continues the Pond Apple control work in the Mt Amos and Cooktown area by Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc, in association with Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, South Cape York Catchments, Cook Shire Council and the Traditional owners.


Rubber Vine Control 2016 Lukin River

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The continuation of the Rubber Vine Control works on Lukin River Containment line has shown a targeted approach which continues to reduce the threat of Rubber Vine extending past the containment line. The areas controlled cover a total area of approx 784 ha with 28 km of River.


Cape York Annual Fire Statistics 2014

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Cape York Annual Fire statistics by month for 2014. Mapping is provided by CYSF to inform that mapping presented on the Northern Australia Fire Information site.


Cape York Fire Activity 2000 - 2015 Fire frequency

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This map shows the frequency of burns in the Cape York region from 2000 to 2015 ranging from never burned to burned every year. Data is sourced from the Northern Australia Fire Information site.


EOI from GSP Recovery Team—Traditional Owners

pdf Reference Document

The Golden-shouldered Parrot Recovery Team is led by the Traditional Owners whose lands encompass the current range of the Golden-shouldered Parrot across both the northern and southern sub-populations. The Recovery Team is committed to the recovery program being an Aboriginal-led process that empowers Traditional Owners.


Western Cape York Water Quality Improvement Plan

pdf Reference Document

One of the major impediments facing Cape York is the myth that it is a vast undisturbed wilderness sitting in a time-warp that has by-passed the rest of Australia.


QA - FAQ Border (COVID-19)

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Frequently asked questions surrounding COVID-19 and travel.


Invitation to submit Newsletter stories

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We want the Cape York Healthy Country Newsletter to include you—the Cape York community.

There are some very talented story tellers, artists, photographers, plus wonderful land manager projects, across the Cape community—and we have hundreds of readers who’d love to read, or see, your work.


Arson Awareness—Social media meme

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An informational meme suitable for distribution across social media platforms
