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Have your say on Cape York Peninsula’s future

The future management of natural resources on Cape York Peninsula will be captured in a new land and water plan to safeguard its natural assets, communities, and livelihoods for the next decade.

The Cape York Peninsula Land & Water Plan, being developed by Cape York Natural Resource Management (Cape York NRM) on behalf of the region, is calling on all residents to have their say in this vital initiative.

The organisation has launched a public questionnaire today seeking a wide range of views on the top priorities for protecting people, culture, business, water, flora, and fauna.

The results will be combined with current scientific research and knowledge drawn from First Nations peoples, land managers and the community on the history and culture of the region. 

“It will serve as a comprehensive framework for sustainable natural resource management (NRM) across all scales,” Cape York NRM CEO Pip Schoor said. “It builds on and adapts previous NRM plans to take into account the changing climate and its impacts.

“The unprecedented flooding that swept through our region in December 2023 has left indelible marks on communities, homes, livelihoods, and the environment. It highlights the urgency of proactive measures to build resilience and effective resource management strategies.”

The plan will inform the State Government on the key actions and funding approaches needed over the next decade to maintain and improve the health and productivity of the land, waters, soils, habitats and biodiversity.

“While Cape York NRM is coordinating the creation of the plan, it does not belong to us; it is a plan for the whole of the Cape York Peninsula community,” Pip said. 

“We have already talked with many groups and individuals as we go about our work on the Cape, but we can’t get to everyone. So to complement our engagement, we developed this simple questionnaire to harness the views of all Cape York Peninsula residents - from farmers, graziers, business owners, and Indigenous land managers to Traditional Owners, scientists,  environmentalists, and tour guides.

“The strength and success of this plan hinges on everyone adding their views so that it will reflect the diverse needs and interests of our community and be grounded in the realities of life on the Cape,” Pip said. 

“I urge everyone to have a say on this very important document. My staff will also be on the ground to meet and talk with Cape residents, or will be telephoning remote areas, over the coming months.”

The Cape York Land and Water Questionnaire is available on the Cape York NRM website at this link.

All responses are strictly confidential and for Cape York NRM internal use only.