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Hopevale community plan 2012

pdf Planning Document

The intent of the community plan is that it will represent the community’s views, visions and values for the future of the local government area, and set a strategic vision for what the community wants the area to be like in 10, 20 or more years.


Hopevale Economic Strategy 2014-2017

pdf Planning Document

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council (HVASC) is focussing on a Community Economic Development (CED) model; where communities initiate their own solutions to local problems.


Hopevale Aboriginal Shire council planning scheme

pdf Planning Document

Hope Vale is a community for families that celebrates Aboriginal culture, striving to be sustainable, viable, fair and equitable, accommodating change, fostering growth, promoting success in a friendly and culturally sensitive environment and is an enjoyable place to live.


Queensland's Agriculture Strategy

pdf Planning Document

A 2040 vision to double agricultural production


Rubber Vine Control 2016 Lukin River

pdf Map

The continuation of the Rubber Vine Control works on Lukin River Containment line has shown a targeted approach which continues to reduce the threat of Rubber Vine extending past the containment line. The areas controlled cover a total area of approx 784 ha with 28 km of River.


Strategic Cropping in Cape York

pdf Planning Document

Strategic Cropping in Cape York – what is to be locked away in the draft Strategic Environmental Areas


NRM Regions QLD Newsletter

pdf Newsletter

Every day Queensland’s 14 NRM bodies are busy working with communities and partners, including all levels of government, to deliver natural resource management outcomes across the State. They are focused on ensuring food security, clean water, healthy landscapes and resilient rural communities for our futu
